วันพุธที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Log Cabin - How to build foundation and flooring?

GoRambling.com Discover more free ideas at my website today My wife and I are planning on building a vertical log cabin, often referred to as a stockade style log cabin. Here are some pictures to give you an idea. Here's one...here's another, and here you go. Anyway we'll be moving to Alaska, probably near the Kenai Peninsula or Matanuska Valley. Of course we're going to try and avoid permafrost, but who knows exactly what kind of land we'll buy. Our vertical log cabin in Alaska will be constructed on concrete posts that'll be poured into Sonotubes that are buried below the frost line (probably around 40 to 50 inches underground). And then the posts will come up about 18 inches into the air...at which point we'll begin the cabin. So yes, the cabin will be raised about 18 inches off the ground. Anyway, I have no experience to build anything of this magnitude, but this doesn't scare me. My wife and I look forward to the challenge. So needless to say, I have a lot of questions, lots more research to do, and plenty of planning that awaits us. I'm posting this video to present my plan for the concrete posts and the insulated floor that will sit atop these 10 concrete posts. First, here is my rough sketch for our small vertical log cabin. It's 10 feet by 35 feet. I've kind of modeled it after an RV, so I call it our RV cabin. It seems like it'll be a nice comfortable cabin that will serve us well. And it seems like it'll be somewhat easier to build than other plans. Anyway, I ...

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